30 September, 2010

Nothing Clever

It's 3:30 in the morning and I am to tired to sleep. My day starts again in an hour and a half and quite frankly this post will probably not be coherent. For the record, this does not come close to the model of a good lifestyle to keep your body in top form. But sometimes we do what is necessary rather than what we would prefer. On a completely different note, I checked out www.funkepunkemonke.com and noticed a link for Kermt the Frog covering Elliott Smith's "Needle In The Hay". I have to say Elliott Smith is one of my all time favorite song writers. You probably want to start in a good mood though with hopes of diving for bottom because if you start at the bottom his music may take you a little too far. Along the same lines, in my mind at least , I think of Damien Rice, David Gray, James Taylor, Cat Stevens, Ray LaMontagne, and Dan Fogelberg. I know it's kind of a random list but as far as lesser recognized, amazing song writers go these are toward the top of my list. I don't know what it is about fall but it seem to help bring many of these singers songs to life for me. Probably not a workout play list ( I have tried this to little avail) but definitely worth a listen. While your at it, the new Jimmy Eat World is really good too! I would also be remiss if I didn't mention the band Far or there lead singer Jonah Matranga. This guy hasn't done anything I didn't like. Now with that said i am going to wrap this up and call it. Have a great day!

5 min. warm up
2x 50 meters karaoke steps (each side)
2x 50 meters high knees
2x 50 meters side steps(each side)
4x 50 meters back pedal to sprint
4x 100 meter sprint
2x 200 meter sprint
4x 400 meter sprint @ 120 sec. (2 min)
4x 30sec. planks
10x 5 sec. ab presses
2x 25 oblique crunches
5 min. cool down



29 September, 2010

Don't Forget To Have Fun

There are probably a myriad of reasons that each person gets involved playing roller derby. There are a lot fewer reasons that people continue to play derby. I would guess that the central reason that most people continue to play roller derby is that it is fun. The relationships, the crowd, the skating, the hitting, the safe release of pent up aggression; all of these add up to enjoyment. It can be easy to forget that sometimes. Derby can be like a lover in that it can bring both immense joy and also leave you feeling scorned. Even in the hardest of times during a season, remember why you started. remember the times that you laughed as you learned the game with the women you began with. Think about the craziness that inevitably ensues at after parties where you can drink with girls that an hour before you were trying to knock into the next week. Think about the difficult situations that the roller derby community has helped see you through(they are pretty damn good at this as a whole). Remember that this is a sport that will meet you where your at, accept who you are and give you room to grow. Remember what it was like to play other sports as a kid, to run, jump, skate, bike, pogo, or whatever else you did. Thank your skates today for carrying you around the track and thank your teammates for being the incredible women and more importantly friends that they are. Have fun today and feel free to fall in love with roller derby all over again! Let's get to work.

5 min warm up
30 push ups as fast as you can get them
3x 10 bent flys (use your skates for resistance)
3x 10 over head presses
3x 10 bridges
3x 10 slow squats
50 meters side steps
50 meters back pedaling
2x 10 quadruped (each side)
2x 25 bicycle crunches
5 min. cool down



28 September, 2010


I've debated back and forth whether or not to write this post and finally am just going to go for it. Roller derby is a sport with larger than life personality. As with many sports, some of these personalities will follow you off of the track. For some this is no issue at all. For the record I sometimes envy the people that are able to take a win or a loss and walk away unchanged. I have never been able to master that art. Many of the athletes I speak with regularly aren't able to do this either. Many times I have looked at this as just being committed to something that is both fulfilling and great than myself. Here is the dangerous part: You will become a slave to the personality that you create for yourself. For some, this will not matter at all. For others this should serve as a warning against presenting yourself anyway other than you would care to live with for the rest of your life. I am writing this now because it is relevant for me right now. On the field, I was more than nasty to deal with. There was very little enjoyment in any game that blood was not drawn and to win wasn't always enough. I took great joy in absolutely demoralizing an opponent. On one hand, some of these are my finest memories. On the other, it is tough to live that way off of the pitch. What many of my teammates and I have realized now that our careers have passed is that it is hard to have any form of relationship with anyone if you cannot kill the idea that it is a competition. We, as many of you have, walked before thousands of people and were hailed for our physical abilities. Tremendous hits, incredible scores, and amazing team efforts are what defines so much of an athletes life. Living the persona of a badass who can not only take a hit but give one with twice the force in return and smile doing it is often what defines us as athletes, gives us our identity. While there are times that this is perfectly justified to revel in, eventually you will not be able to turn it off. As some one with experience in this I offer only simple advice. Do your best to not allow yourself to be defined only by who you are on the track. The painful realizations that come when it's over are not really worth it and neither is the effort it takes to come back to life. If this doesn't apply to you, thanks for humoring me anyway. Now let's go to work!

5 min. warm up
50 meters of karaoke steps(grapvines) (each side)
2x 20 squat jumps
3x 10 inverted rows
2x 20 medium box jumps
2x 20 fire hydrant leg lifts (each side)
2x 20 donkey kickbacks
3x 10 wide push ups
3x 10 tricep dips
3x 10 bicep curls( sometimes it's all about looking good, I'm just saying)
3x 20 calf raises
4x 60sec. planks
5 min. cool down



27 September, 2010

Keep It Simple

Today I'll be brief. We are kicking the week off and we are kicking it off right. The focus is on cardio and this will be one of the longer workouts we have done. The intensity today should be at about 70% so you don't have to go crazy. I am going to write it as a run but if there is a more favorable form of cardio you prefer, feel free. Have a Great day and let's go to work!

5 min. warm up
60 min of moderate jogging
25 meters side step (each side)
2x 25 meters karaoke step
4x 25 meters skipping for height
1x abc leg lifts(the whole alphabet)
2x 25 crunches of your choosing
5 min cool down



26 September, 2010

Oh Captain My Captain

Have you ever known the frustration of being involved in an organization that has begun to lose it's way? This can be one of the most frustrating obstacles that a team must overcome. Often it can be compared to quicksand, as it was quoted in the movie "the Replacements". It begins to feel that things cannot be righted. Very seldom does this all happen at once though, at least not initially. Assuming that you have experienced situations like this, have you ever looked to the coach or captain and blamed them? Let me clear something up before I go forward. It is extremely rare that things going poorly is exclusively one individuals fault. Today I hope to just be real with you about a few things that teams face and what will separate the mediocre to good teams from the best. On one hand everything rises and falls on the leadership of the team. On the other, it is not always the leader with the title that truly carries the sentiment or belief of the rest of the team. Sometimes the captain is truly the heart of the team, the one you can lean on at any moment. This is what an ideal captain or coach should be. The reality of life is sometimes much different from ideal however. I personally believe that a team should function exclusively as a single unit, it's own entity entirely. While I appreciate the need for someone to be in the front, I believe that no one player is more or less important than any other. There is no doubt that the responsibility of a captain is typically vast. Is it anymore than the commitment of every other team member should be? So before I go into anymore mindless rambling, let me get to the point. We are closing in on the point in the year that it is easy to get distracted by things other than your team commitment. This is not alright if you decided that you, as a team, were out to have a phenomenal season. If you are serving you team as a captain, this is the most important time to be gathering your team together. If you are not the captain, now is the time that your commitment, drive and work ethic should be reaching their peak. If things have been slipping within your team, now is the time to have it out and get back on track. This will save you the regret of having to fight each other in the middle of a regional or national game. Make no mistake, the effort you are putting in today will directly affect the results you will see on the scoreboard in your next bout. It is time to dig deep and bring the best you can to your team. Let's get to work!

5 min warm up
3x 20 squat jumps
3x 20 speed skater jumps
3x 20 push ups
3x 20 bent flys
3x 20 overhead press
50 meters lunges
2x 25 crunches of you choosing
2x 20 straight arm twists (each side)
5 min. cool down

Enjoy and sorry for the disjointed thoughts!


25 September, 2010

It's Funny How Life Turns Out

So I am constantly posed the question of how I got involved with roller derby. The truth is I have absolutely no idea. All I can say with any certainty is that I'm very glad I did. I need to be honest though, there are certainly times that I can't stand derby as well. I'm sure that most of you can identify with this feeling. Even in times that I feel like this derby is there(unless it is the off-season). I have a theory about this. I think that roller derby, as a sport, is about as exciting as curling. Before I am strung up for blasphemy, hear me out. If you sit down and look at roller derby from face value, the concept is far beyond strange. While there is strategy, it is more checkers than chess. My personal theory is that this sport would be absolutely mundane and vanilla if it weren't for the women that give it life. This is where roller derby begins to transcend many of the other sports that are played in front of an audience. Roller girls have personality, true character, and they invite the rest of us into there world for a long enough amount of time that we are able to forget alot of the things that hold us back as people. It seems that on the track most women are able to let their personality shine through in a way that they are not able to in their normal day to day. This is what we love you for! That and the amazing hits that are delivered. That said, let's get to working!

5 min. warm up
4x 100 meter long stride sprints
4x 25 meter karaoke step
2x 25 meter slow side step squats
8x 400 meters @ 120 sec(2 min.) pace
10 min. cool down



24 September, 2010

It's On

So we are roughly five weeks from nationals and time is wasting. This is the point where we are going to begin shifting our workouts a little toward reaching the peak of our performance. What this will mean is a little more specialized movement and a little less physical exertion. Let me remind you that i said we are getting close, not that we have arrived. The next two weeks will still be really intense but i figured I'd give you a glimpse into the future. Today we are back to resistance and we are back with a vengeance. So let's go to work!

5 min. warm up
10 dive bomb push ups
10 wide grip push ups
10 regular push ups
2x 20 side lunges (each side)
2x 20 squat jumps
2x 20 45 degree squat thrusts(burpees)
3x 10 inverted rows
3x 20 tricep dip
3x 10 overhead press
2x 25 hip ups
2x 25 reg. crunches
4x 30 sec. planks
5 min cool down



23 September, 2010

What To Do Next

Sometimes you run into people who are constantly trying to reinvent themselves. We see this over and over again especially in the areas of health and wellness. How many different flavor of the month workout programs and diets are we exposed to each year. Let me take just a second to cut through some of the bull shit. For the most part when it comes to physical fitness everything is based upon scientific fact and how those facts affect the body. Here is the long and short of it. If you hold to these principles you can guarantee success. First of all, it is necessary to move in order for your body to stay fit. This will always hold true whether you are playing a sport, taking pilates, yoga, aerobics, boxing, spinning, taking a walk, doing P90x, following Richard Simmons sweating to the oldies, running, biking, swimming, or just having sex. Your body needs to move in order to stay fit. Secondly, if something hurts in a bad way, stop doing it. Your body has a defense mechanism for a reason and more times than not it knows what it was made to do and what it wasn't (this is not to suggest that things shouldn't be difficult, but real pain should be listened to). Third, your diet doesn't have to be a deep and mysterious adventure. Your body requires protein. It also requires carbohydrates and fats. If you don't get some of each, you can count on problems. Your body also needs vitamins and will give you problems without them. Finally, let me unlock the facts of weight loss. It is called the Law of Thermodynamics. All this means is that if you use more than you have you lose. In your bodies case, the unit of measurements is calories. Let me repeat, if you burn more calories than you take in, you will lose weight. This Is A Scientific Law! If this is not working for you and you are seriously positive that you are taking in less calories than you are burning and still not losing weight, you need to seek medical advice asap because something else is going on. That should help dismiss some of the rumors and fads that inevitably are crawling out of the wood work. Keep in mind this is a thousand foot view on a subject that has a lot of detailed niches but if you can follow the advice, it works. Now let's go to work!

5 min. warm up
45 min interval training(5 min. jog, 3 min. run)
50 meters karaoke step (each side)
50 meters lunges
4x 25 crunches of your choosing
10x 3 sec. superman
5 min cool-down



22 September, 2010

Getting Centered

Finding the right balance in your life is probably of the utmost importance. This is not what I am going to talk about. Instead we are going to just stress again the importance of your core and strengthening it. This is the single most effective type of training for both avoiding injury and surviving the day to day in top form. While it may not help you find your inner zen, it may keep you on your feet long enough to not be destroyed by another girl on the track. Now let's go to work and by the way, if you have the secret to the meaning of life don't be afraid to share!

10 min. Warm Up
10 dive bomb push ups
10 unstable push ups(either on a ball, set of rings, or trx bands)
4x 30 sec. plank
4x 15 sec. bridge
3x 25 pulse squats
2x 15 sec. side plank(each side)
4x 15 sec. double leg abdominal press
4x 10 sec. supermans
3x 10 woodchops with resistance
2x 25 torso twists with medicine ball
2x 25 ball crunches
2x leg lifts (drawing numbers 1-10)
2x 25 bicycle crunches
5 min. Cool down



21 September, 2010


Some days are just going to kick your ass. Yesterday had my number all over it. I've got to be honest, these are the times that I miss the family atmosphere of a team. Even above and beyond that, I miss having a good coach. If you've been playing on a great team, even for a short time, you know exactly what I am talking about. You probably understand what it is like to know that your team is right behind you and where exactly they are without having to turn your head and look. The expression of respect and understanding that is routinely passed between players without taking the time for words. The pride that you can hold as it is given from a coach, even one that can be the biggest asshole in the world, when you have given your best. The joy of victory, the consolation of defeat. The tears that are shed in both. I remember what it was like to cross the line onto the field for the first time each game, the feeling of camaraderie as the team acted as one imposing force. I remember the feeling electricity that built before the first whistle, the bloodthirst that was in my own eyes as well as my teammates. These moments are still some of my most treasured. I remember a coach breaking down with us after a nasty loss to end our season and the amount of dignity that he kept intact. To this day I would do anything the man asked me. Some days it would be nice to have someone like that follow you through the day, keep you on track, console you when it's due, kick your ass when your being a baby, and generally bring out the best in you. Some days we won't win but doesn't mean you have lost. Hold tight the opportunities that present themselves to be a part of a team that is more than about you, to have a coach that will push you to your best and lead you through adversity. Now let's go to work!

5 min. warm up
2x 50 meters karaoke steps (each side)
2x 50 meters high knees
2x 50 meters side steps(each side)
4x 50 meters back pedal to sprint
4x 100 meter sprint
2x 200 meter sprint
4x 400 meter sprint @ 120 sec. (2 min)
4x 30sec. planks
10x 5 sec. ab presses
2x 25 oblique crunches
5 min. cool down



20 September, 2010

For Those Who Came To Play!

There are more than likely a million cliches that are along the lines of go big or go home. This may come as a shock to you but I don't believe that we are here to be cliches. That said, I pose the question why are you here? This is not in the philosophical way that I ask, but more of like what the fuck did you come here for? I am going to go out on a limb and assume that you are here because you have absolutely no desire to blend in, to be average. You probably have the need to excel, to stand out, to define yourself on your terms. This is what I love about derby girls. Though it is a team sport and should always be played as one, it lends itself for individuals to express their own individual personality. I am also going to assume that you are reading this rant(more than likely just to get to the exercise section) because you are constantly trying to push yourself, make strides toward your own excellence, and gain whatever edge you can! Today, above and beyond the work out, live today like you came to play and please excuse the cliches!

5 min. warm up
2x 15 wide grip push ups
15 dive bomb push ups
3x 15 tricep dips
2x 20 45 degree angle squat thrusts(burpees)
2x 20 box jumps
2x 15 bent flys
2x 25 med ball twist crunches
2x 25 jackknife
2x 25 crunches with legs flat on ground
5 min. cool down



19 September, 2010

Bring Your Best

Another day of putting your time in. Just like punching a clock we head out for some more cardio. Unlike a miserable job we get almost instantaneous results, even if they are as simple as the feeling of muscles that are aching and ready for more punishment. Today as you are logging some more miles on your body keep in mind that there is a reason for doing all of this. For some it will be to compete at the highest level of your sport. For others, the opportunity to look great while kicking ass. For all of us the chance to push ourselves and earn our own respect. That said, let's go to work!

5 min. warm up
4x 90 sec. 400meters
1 mile light jog(12-14 min. pace)
2x back pedal to sprint @ 45 degree angle(each side)
50 meters Skipping for distance
4x plank to failure
5 min. cool down



18 September, 2010

No Rest For The Weekend

I'll be brief as not to take up any more of your time than is necessary. Today we are back to building muscles that will look nice and toned as well as help to carry you through even the nastiest of games. Let's get to work!

5 min. warm up
10 regular push ups
10 wide grip push ups
10 dive bomb push ups
3x 15 lateral arm raises
3x 15 bent flys
3x 15 straight leg deadlifts
3x 15 squat jumps for height
2x 25 windsheild wiper crunches
2x 25 ball crunches
25 back bridges
25 single leg back bridges(each side)
5 min cooldown



17 September, 2010

Running In Circles

Today we are back to doing some cardio. We are, however, going to get a little more specific. Being a derby girl leaves your body with some very specific strengths and weaknesses that both need to be further strengthened. Understand, as I write this I am talking only to the people who truly have the desire to perform as a top athlete. If it is enough for you to just be a part of something other than your pre-roller derby life than this post really won't mean much for you. Not that I'm judging. I understand that we are all at different points along the path. If you are at a point where earning your playing time by garnering the respect of the women you have the honor to skate with is of great importance, this post should help you take it to the next level. At this point in the season, most of you have been skating for more than six months straight. The good news about this is that your body should be very used to the balance and endurance that the act of skating requires. The bad news is that your body has more than likely reached the point where it is very difficult to shock it or make vast gains in improving. Athletes typically refer to this as reaching a plateau. The fact of the matter is that if you do the same workout over and over say three times a week, by the time you have reached the third week your body will be used to it and generally stop reacting to it. To help avoid reaching plateaus, which by the way can be absolutely miserable, we are going to continue to make well timed and necessary adjustments to your workout. If this is executed properly, day in and day out, you should not have to worry about your body slowing in it's progress. That said, here is your workout!

5 min. warm up
50 meters lunges
50 meters karaoke step (each side)
8x 25 meter backpedal to sprint( start by back pedaling, drop into a sprinters start, explode forward at a full sprint for 25 meters)
50 meters side shuffle(each side)
50 meters bear crawls
4x 90 sec. 400 meter run
2x 30 sec side plank (each side)
25 full jackknife crunches
25 bicycle crunches
10x 3 sec. bridges
5 min. cooldown



16 September, 2010

Mental Game

So often it is overlooked the power that your mind holds even over your physical health. This is overly important for an athlete. Studies have shown that practice can be effective by taking the time to walk through your game in your mind. As a matter of fact, the results showed that among basketball players shooting free throws a group that practiced an hour a day and another group that thought about it an hour a day showed almost identical improvement. What does this mean for us? I would suggest that no matter what your specific goal is, the best way to achieve it is to think about it as often as possible. If you want to lose weight, imagine yourself being the weight that you want to be. If you are looking to skate faster, picture in your mind the way your body must move to make this possible. I've been training people for the past 5 or 6 years and I can tell you the people that are able to do this most effectively see the best results not to mention find the most confidence and swagger along the way! So that in mind, let's go to work!

5 min. warm up
3x 15 push ups
3x 15 tricep dips
3x 15 squat thrusts (burpees)
3x 30 sec. mountain climbers
3x 15 overhead press
ABC leg lifts
2x 25 oblique crunches(each side)
2x 25 crunches with legs straight
5 min. cool down



15 September, 2010

Born To Run

We are back to cardio today. The mode is of your choosing. 30 min. of interval training is the goal today. You should be running at a nice clip for 3 min. and jogging for five. Don't forget to stretch!!!


14 September, 2010

Moving Some Weight

We're back to resistance training and we are back with a vengeance. Here is the deal. On top of being athletes roller girls are iconic as being strong beautiful women. You might as well love the body that you are in and make it work as well and look as good as is humanly possible. The real secret to 90% of this is owning it. That's right, it is all about the attitude you bring to the table. I am not a psychologist (for the most part) though, I am a trainer. That being said, we are going to focus on the 10% that is physical. Today's workout is going to be high in repetition and may be a little boring at times. It will also burn the muscles and the more burn we can get the better. Without further adieu!

5 min warm up
2x 20 pushups
2x 20 tricep dips
2x 20 inverted rows
4x 20 pulse squats
2x 20 front raises
2x 20 side leg lifts
2x 20 lateral raises
4x 25 slow crunches
2x 30sec. planks
5 min. cool down



11 September, 2010

Move It

Today it's all about being active. Your mission,should you choose to accept it is to be movving with an elevated heartrate for 60 minutes. Don't forget to stretch. Abs are up to you. As for your actual workout, may I suggest interperative danse or jumping in puddles if available. If no puddles are available, try walking on your hands. Whatever you choose today enjoy it!


10 September, 2010

Keep It Simple

Today is about time under stress. Here is you workout

5 min. Warm up
2x 2 minutes of push ups
2x 2 minutes of squats
2x 2 minutes of inverted rows
2x 2 minutes of overhead press
5 min. Cool down

Do as many as you can in this time. EnjoyJ


09 September, 2010

What Are We Missing?

So I have been racking my brain all day for an answer to the question"What are we missing?"Aside from the more than overdue explanation page of all of the bizarre exercises that I prefer, I believe we are missing more roller girls! This is a sport that obviously we all think is awesome. Why not hear from the players a little more often? I would love the opportunity to speak with and potentially interview a variety of different people from across the country. If you want a little love for your home team, let me know! I welcome the opportunity. Now let's get to work!

5 min. warm up
45 min. of moderate cardio ( constant motion)
2x 25 med. ball twist crunches
2x 25 reg. crunches
5 min. cool down



08 September, 2010

Hit The Wall

Literally today we are going to hit the wall. This workout is designed for extreme core strength. I'll keep it short today. Enjoy!

5 min. warm up
3x 10 ball squats
5x 20sec. wall sits
3x 10 push ups
3x 10 straight arm twists
3x 10 overhead presses
2x 10 2sec. floor bridges
3x 20 soccer throws(use your abs, not your arms)
4x 30 sec. planks
2x 25 negative crunches
5 min. cool down

Have a great day!


07 September, 2010

Welcome Back

The weekend is officially over as well as the summer. I know, I am a little depressed as well but we will survive this together. Today we are going to begin with some intensity that will follow through most of the rest of the month. Like a good symphony the crescendo will be just in time for tournaments and should help sling you into wondrous track glory! Today that just means we have about 20 min. worth of cardio and a little ab work. Here's how this goes!

5 min. warm up
4x 400 meters at 120 sec. pace
1600 meters at 12 min pace
2x 200 meters at 60 sec pace
4 x 30 sec planks
2x 25 jacknife crunches
2x 10 3 sec. superman
5 min. cool down



06 September, 2010

Earn Your Respect

Ever heard the statement that respect is never given, only earned? I believe that not only is this true but it is also the way it should be. The statement"Earn Your Respect" has a little more to it than initially meets the eye. More often than not we emphasize the word earn suggesting that there is a price to be paid when success is the goal. Again, this is certainly true, but I feel maybe not the most important meaning of this statement. What if we look at it as "earn Your respect"? Isn't this what we are really after in the first place, our own respect. As athletes, most of us are wired this way. We have a desire to excel, to go farther and be better. I am suggesting that you remember that the first and often hardest person to impress will more than likely be yourself. If you are willing to put the time in to truly deserve not only success but also the confidence that should accompany it, you're starting to have something special. Oddly enough, I am talking about putting together a work ethic and deserving your success on labor day. What will you be doing with your day? Can you take the time to attempt to impress your self?

5 min. warm up
3x 10 inverted rows
3x 10 push ups
2x 50 meters of lunges
2x 25 meters of side lunges
4 30 sec. planks
5 min. cool down



05 September, 2010


I apologize for not keeping up yesterday. It's labor day weekend which puts us roughly nine weeks from nationals. This weekend is going to be the last weekend of rest as we think about making a push toward the respective regional tournaments. The point of today and yesterday is to allow your body to rest while you are still relatively active. Relaxation for muscles is one of the more difficult aspects of exercise. Too little, we overwork the body and burn out. Too much, we never truly unlock our potential and we may loose the rhythm of the workout cycle. As you go through the rest of the day, keep cognizant of how much energy you are expending. We don't need anything over the top, but we do need to be active. Enjoy the rest of the day because a new week is upon us and we have some distance to cover!


03 September, 2010

Cardio Queens

We've all seen them in the gym or at the local park running for hours on end with their matching exercise outfits and water proof make up done. Just the thought of this has me attempting to stifle my vomit right now. Here's the deal. I'm not just trying to hate on people who love to run long distances or attempt to look cute doing it(it's a little annoying, I'm just saying). The reason that I am not leaping for joy at this mentality is simply the law of diminishing returns. When we are talking about getting cardiovascular exercise, more time is only better to a point. 20 minutes of interval training has shown to be just as effective for your heart, lungs, and muscles as 45-60 minutes of consistent paced running. Now if you want to dress yourself up to go out husband(or wife) hunting, be my guest. If it is simply about improving, feeling better, looking better and performing better, leave the daily marathon grind alone. One hour of cardio should be more than enough, especially if you are concentrating on being as active as possible while you are not "working out". Here is a quick list of ways not to look like a total douche when working out followed by the pain for the day!

1. Wear Clothing: We don't care if you look better half naked. It is disturbing to the rest of the world and if you are doing it for attention, you really don't want the kind of attention you will get(unless you like overweight guys wearing tiny tank tops to expose their back hair)
2.Don't Dress Up: You are here to work! You should sweat! So should everyone else around you. I'm not saying don't wear make up. Just don't wear heels or blow dry your hair beween sets in order to fool the rest of us into believing you don't sweat. (I've seen it)
3. No Perfume, Yes Deodorant: We should not be able to smell you, good or bad
4. Rack Your Weights: You are no more or less important than anyone else. Clean up after yourself.
5. Keep Your Music To Yourself: If you love loud house music, that's awesome. The rest of the world doesn't want to hear it and your ear drums will thank you. You may need them when your teammates are letting you know that you are about to be smashed by the opposing team.(air guitar is questionable as well so it's up to your discretion)
6. Keep Your Phones To A Minimum: I'm just saying!

Enough with the ranting! Here is your workout!

5 min. warm up
Pyramid Interval Training ( 1 min. run , 1 min. jog, 2 min. run, 2 min jog, etc. up to 5 min.)
3x 10 3 sec. abdominal press
4x 45 sec. plank
2x 10 superman
5 min. cool down



02 September, 2010

If You Can't Beat'em, Beat Them!

Today we are all about power. The main difference between this and strength, simply put, is that strength is how much force your muscles can exert. Power is how quickly that force can be exerted. When we are talking about being able to deliver a demoralizing hit to a jammer or another blocker, power is the source we are seeking. This kind of training is quite a bit different than any other so I will do my best to keep it clear. Here we go!

5 min. warm up
STRETCH (this is vital today)
3x 10 squat to box jumps
3x 10 power step ups (each side)
3x 10 lateral ball hops (each side)
3x 10 medicine ball squat to wall toss
3x 10 power push up
3x 10 push press
2x 25 jackknife crunches
5 min cool down

Here is the explanations:

Squat to box jump- 1.) using proper form, squat down just below 90 degrees. 2.)hold squat for 3 sec. 3.) jump from the squatted position up on to a box, platform, or step. (be careful if you use your coffee table.

Power Step Ups- 1.) step up onto a platform/box that is roughly knee high using only your left leg. 2.) drive your right knee upward as you are stepping with enough force that your left foot leaves the platform. 3.) switch legs and repeat

Lateral Ball Hop- 1.) hop side to side over an object (I typically use either a soccer ball or a small cone) with both feet.

Med. Ball Squat to Toss- 1.) squat down holding a med. ball (any ball will work) Standing up, all in the same motion, throw the ball into the air as far as you can

Power Push Ups-1.) start with a regular push up on the way down. 2.) hold at the bottom for 2 sec. 3.) explode upward, letting your arms extend and your body leave the ground if possible

If you have any other questions let me know. Have a great day!


01 September, 2010

Why Does It Have To Be War All The Time?

It's Wednesday and I'm bored. We have been discussing some of the finer points of fitness for awhile now and I need a change of pace. Today, I'm talking about music. I don't really want to get into the way music can lift your spirits and help release endorphins or the way a good beat can keep you in the perfect tempo to maximize your workout. Today it is just going to be simply what i would consider some good newer music and maybe a top 25 to workout to. First off, I have to admit that my personal taste is all over the map. So far this year I have loved everything from Mumford and Sons to Eminem, Frightened Rabbit to OK Go. If variety is the spice of life, I'll take the fire sauce. Alright that was enough of a break for me. Here is my top 25 to workout to in no particular order and a nice little piece of cardio hell. Enjoy!

25.Jimmy Eat World- A Praise Chorus
24.The Gaslight Anthem- The 59' sound
23. Frightened Rabbit- Things
22.Fountains Of Waye- Radiation Vibe
21.Face to Face- Disconnected
20. Jay-Z and Linkin Park- Numb/Encore
19. Dramarama- Anything
18.BoneThugs N Harmony and Notorious B.I.G. - Notorious Thugs
17. Citizen Cope- Son's Gonna Rise
16. Hum- Stars
15.The Ting Tings- Not My Name
14. U2- Bad
13.The Yeah Yeah Yeah's- Zero
12.Andrew W.K.- Get Ready To Die
11. Beastie Boy's feat Q-tip- Get It Together
10. Korn- Got the Life
9. Far- At Night We Live
8. Flogging Molly- What's Left of the Flag
7. Big Audio Dynamite- Rush
6. Big Tymers- Number One Stunna
5. Guns and Roses- Welcome to the Jungle
4. Brand New- Okay I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don't
3. ACDC- Thunderstruck
2.Drowning Pool- Bodies
1.Jesus and Mary Chain- Head On

Now Seriously:

5 min. warm up
6x 400 meters ( 1 min. 45 sec. pace)
2x 800 meters ( 4 min. 30 sec. pace)
15 min. moderate jog
5 min. cool down

Have Fun!