01 May, 2011

Eternal Flame

5 min warm up
4-2-1 tempo
3x 12 push ups
3x 12 squat to overhead presses
3x 12 bent rows
3x 50 meter lunges

1-1-1 tempo
2x 10 rockstar scissor jumps
2x 10 45 deg. squatthrusts(burpees)
2x 25 reg crunches
2x 25 neg crunches
2x 25 jackknifes

It is Sunday evening as I am writing this because I am too tired to function, never mind wake up and write a coherent workout. Last week was intense to say the very least. One of the highlights was moving to a different place in Kansas City. Currently I am sitting on the back patio, surrounded with a cute little urban glow, the sounds of a city at night and a train bound for God knows where in the background. I just finished a dinner, linguini with a good Italian gravy and spicy meatballs, and have retired outside to take in the cool spring night. I go into these details only to make the point that sometimes the little things in life remind us how incredible it be. Yesterday morning I got to workout with my roller girls, a group of women that I have come to adore and count myself lucky to know. These girls bring it with more heart and intensity than I can quantify and are beginning to leave a mark on the city they compete in. In my wanderings over the past three days I have seen numerous posters and bout schedules around, not to mention the girls that have approached me asking how they can get involved in a sport that has changed forever my view of femininity. In short ladies, keep being everything that you are because the rest of us truly do appreciate it and would love to continue supporting you!

Have a great day!



  1. Did you make up those rockstar scissor jumps? :)


  2. to the best of my knowledge?!
